Wanda Bulger-Tamez, Project Director wtamez@nmsu.edu Dr. Wanda Bulger-Tamez has been working with the MC² team for 19+ years! She has served in the New Mexico Science and Math Initiative and has taught elementary, middle school, and developmental Algebra and teaches Math 111 (Math for Elementary Teachers) at NMSU. Wanda loves partnering with teachers and school leaders to create systems for strengthening children’s math learning. Ask her about: creating and sustaining partnerships, K-12 mathematics education, and pecan harvesting |
Allie Conway, Mathematics Education Specialist apconway@nmsu.edu
Lisa Matthews, Mathematics Education Specialist lisnow@nmsu.edu Lisa Matthews first joined the NMSU math grant known as MathStar, which later became MC2. She has taught Astronomy and Physics in a diverse, high-needs school district on the border between New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. Lisa has strong interests in mathematics learning and teaching in K-12 and beyond, and has been involved with co-planning and co-facilitating all MC² summer professional learning workshops. Ask her about: K-5 CCSS-M, group development & communication tools, PC troubleshooting, and camping all over the beautiful state of New Mexico
Michelle Sterling-Rodriguez, Mathematics Education Specialist misterli@nmsu.edu Michelle Sterling-Rodriguez is involved in this work because she has a desire for the children of New Mexico to have a vision of the opportunities that exist here as well as the outside world. She does not want mathematics to be the reason a child does not have access to this choice. Michelle believes her MC2 work creates more and more meaningful math opportunities for children. Ask her about: student questioning and discourse, the MC2 Thinking Protocol, how to support and learn with teachers, and connecting with nature
Megan Kidwell, Mathematics Education Specialist mk@nmsu.edu Megan Kidwell joined MC2 in 2015. Her background is in early numeracy and she has a wealth of knowledge to share with teachers about how elementary students develop concepts of number. Meagan was a numeracy specialist in Albuquerque and works with various school districts across New Mexico. Ask her about: Number Talks, technology, graphic design, webinars, and traveling around the world
Erika J. Acosta, EMSS Program Coordinator ejacosta@nmsu.edu Erika Acosta has worked as a teacher leader with MC2 for over 10 years. She has experience in teaching middle school Mathematics in a border district with unique language and cultural needs. She is passionate about making math accessible to all students by embracing their diversity and personal experiences. Ask her about: middle school math, questioning, teacher dispositions, the EMSS program, and Mexican cuisine
Crystal Chavez, Program Coordinator crychave@nmsu.edu 575.646.1595 Crystal Chavez joined our team from the College of Education dean’s office and serves as office manager. She is responsible for coordinating events and travel for MC2 staff and participants. Crystal is in charge of preparing stipends, reimbursements, purchase orders, and maintaining inventory of supplies and office equipment. Ask her about: academic scheduling, building use, reimbursements, vendor accounts, stipends, per diem rates, Banner System, procurement cards, and maintaining balance with a toddler